applications  Applicazioni Tendicinghia

Marca <-


Modello <-

Classe S (W140)

Applicazioni   MERCEDES Auto  Classe S (W140)  400

motore cilindrata alimentazione codice  tipo periodo nota
M119.971 engine_go 4196 B AST1238  A February 1991 to October 1998 A mot. 011682 - Puleggia di ricambio per AST1667
M119.971 engine_go 4196 B AST1239  A February 1991 to October 1998 A mot. 011682
M119.971 engine_go 4196 B AST1067  A February 1991 to October 1998 Da mot. 011683
M119.971 engine_go 4196 B AST1732  A February 1991 to October 1998 Da mot. 011683
M119.971 engine_go 4196 B AST1667  A February 1991 to October 1998 A mot. 011682 - Puleggia di ricambio: AST1238
M119.971 engine_go 4196 B AST2311  A February 1991 to October 1998 Da mot. 011683